Future Goals

In the future we will be adding larger kits with more varieties of vegetables. Fertilizers and soil specifically designed and mixed for container gardening will be tested and added. Other planting equipment such as stakes, water wands and timed watering systems will also be added.

As we grow our company, we are growing our scope of projects. Large community gardens of over 100 containers will be available in the future. There are many places in this country and in this world where it is difficult for people to grow their own food because they have no green space; or if they do the soil is not suitable for growing. Sydney’s Green Garden can be located in urban areas or in places with poor soil because everything is contained. We can make a difference in how people take control of their food supply and do it in a way that does not harm the environment. It is a great way for communities to come together creating something good for everyone.

Many of the new buildings that are LEED Certified (Leaders in Energy and Environmental Design) feature green roofs. This is to help keep the building efficiently insulated, to reduce storm water runoff that contaminates water supplies and provide a migratory path for birds and insects.

I have received my LEED Certification and I am an accredited professional for new construction and major renovation of existing buildings. I did this so I can assist in the design of LEED Certified buildings that feature green roofs that do all of the things green roofs currently do, but also produce food for the surrounding community.

There are different shades of green. This means some things are a little helpful, some things are more efficient, some things have more than one factor and so on. The more good factors a thing or system has, the greener it is considered to be.

Our goal is to become a darker shade of green every year. The containers we currently use are a petroleum based plastic. We are looking for containers that are not made with fossil fuels. We are also looking for seed packets that are made out of recyclable paper. There is much more to do in the future. We are considering the energy it takes to produce all the elements in our kit, all the papers and packing materials and documentation used to produce this product. As we develop our product lines, our relationships and delivery systems, we are measuring green. We are preparing to find and share this information for others as well. Green is an attitude, and an activity. Green is a noun, an adjective, a verb, and an adverb. A play on words, it is also a prepositional phrase.