
eggplantPlant seedling transplants after your last frost date. We recommend purchasing transplants from a nursery. Eggplant is a warm weather crop and susceptible to frost. Use a 13 inch round container – it works great. Eggplant grows well in containers. Fill the container to 5 inches below the rim of the container.

Remove the transplant from the container it comes in, even if it is peat.  Try not to damage any of the roots and place in the middle of the container.  Fill the container to one inch below the rim of the container making sure all of the roots are covered with soil.  Do not cover the stem with soil.

You will need to stake these plants as they grow.  Try and keep the fruit off of the ground as this may spoil the fruit.  Start harvesting once the fruit is about 1/3 grown to full size.  Over mature eggplant becomes spongy and the surface will become dull.

Matures in 50 to 65 days